Activity: Dried Floral Sun Catcher
These beautiful little sun catchers can be made in less than an hour and make a fun activity for kids of any age, and especially those working to hone their fine motor skills. Plus, they make great gifts! Which is perfect because once you do one, you’ll want to do many, many more!
Activity: Cookie Cutter Suet Bird Feeder
Learn how to make a suet bird feeder with a cookie cutter!
How To: Start Herb Seeds
Watching herb seeds grow is a rewarding activity because you see the results of your efforts so quickly. Seedlings can emerge in just a few days! Don’t be surprised if you find yourself checking on them multiple times a day. You’ll want to witness their rapid growth.
Activity: Flower Pounded Tote Bag
Flower pounding is not only a fun activity, but can be quite therapeutic. This activity can help take big emotions and turn them into something beautiful. Learn how to do it yourself!
How to Make a Terrarium
Learn how to make a terrarium, complete with my tips and tricks! Terrariums are fun and simple to put together and are perfect for getting that dose of nature, even indoors.